The Shalom Story is God’s Story.

His answer to our heart’s desire: a resource that will cross barriers and can be used to come alongside those stuck in the effects of trauma. It began with prayer and waiting.

Out of a passion to see healing and wholeness take place among a refugee community, The Shalom Story began. After working within a refugee community and establishing a nonprofit, Neigh’tions, to help share love and welcome international neighbors—over the years, Jessica began to see an unmet need—the need for emotional healing.

As she became more and more burdened by the emotional pain and suffering in the lives and families of our refugee neighbors, it was evident we had no tools to offer that could cross the language and cultural differences. In her prayer closet, Jessica asked God to show her the way. The burden only intensified in 2017 when she married her husband, a refugee from Iraq, and saw firsthand the effect that unresolved trauma has within a family. This fueled the passion to find a way towards healing and the belief that “shalom” is possible for all. We continued to pray for God to make a way.

The Shalom Story is the way God has made. Equestrian therapy harnesses the power of horses to cross the language and cultural boundaries I'd been praying about. They have a unique way of becoming partners in the journey towards healing… no matter where in the world we're from.

The Shalom Story is really all our stories.

The literal meaning of this Hebrew word is more than simply peace. It describes the action of “destroying the authority attached to chaos.” In other words, removing the power and bondage that trauma brings into our lives. The definition of trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. And who has never had one of these moments?

This is why The Shalom Story is really all our stories—in one way or another. It’s the story of healing. It’s the story of redemption. It’s ultimately the journey we all desire to walk—toward freedom and into the abundant life we were created to live. John 10:10

We invite you to walk this journey with us. With our neighbors. With men and women and children from all over the world who have experienced a lifetime of trauma and are brave enough to enter our program believing there’s hope and healing.

Will you be brave enough to believe with us? To believe there is freedom for all? To believe the abundant life can be experienced by anyone, no matter how extreme the trauma has been? If so, then join us in the active fight for Shalom and help destroy the authority attached to chaos in our neighbors' lives.


Shalom | hebrew word | Destroy the authority that establishes chaos

  • The ‘Shin’

    Represents two front teeth and can mean sharp, eat, consume, separate, or DESTROY

  • The ‘Lamed’

    The shepherd staff, used to exercise authority over the sheep to direct them, can mean teach, lead, yoke, move forward, or AUTHORITY.

  • The ‘Vav’

    Represents a tent peg or nail and means to secure or hook, or to ESTABLISH

  • The ‘Mem’

    Illustrates water or waves. As a nomadic people, the Hebrews did not understand the waves or waters. The letter came to mean CHAOS, mighty, or blood.

[Hebrew, as read right to left]

We Stand Together.

The Shalom Story provides therapy sessions by partnering with others who desire to join in the fight toward wholeness. Those partners include therapists, equine specialists and local horse farms. Click here to learn more about one of our partner farms, Hearts and Hooves Corral. It is important your experience with us promotes peace and healing, therefore our partnerships are made with others who value the same things we do.

We are bound together by our shared values. Review our values.

“When I was a boy and would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’”

— Fred Rogers