Meet Shalom

Neigh, that's hello in horse speak. My name is Shalom. My mom apparently named me with a purpose. While I was in foster care at an equine rescue center for displaced horses needing a home, she fell in love with me, all before she really knew me. This love confuses me. I was 14 years old when we met. I'd never spent much time with y'all humans, so my expectations were pretty low. I ran from her for months, and months, when she tried to come near. Day after day, she would hang out in the field with my horse friends and me. When I laid down she was there, when I was eating hay she was there and even when I ran she was still there. 

As you humans would describe it, I guess I have some “trust issues,” or at least that’s how I’ve heard my mom say it. I was afraid of almost everything: the wind, a car motor, and the water hose, especially the water hose. I had to take stomach medicine so I didn't get ulcers from the scary things going on in my head. Eventually, I stopped running from her when I realized she gave me yummy apple treats each time we met. 

Good things started to happen instead of all the bad I had imagined. When she first wanted me to leave the field where all my friends were I reared up my front feet to try and look as scary as possible. Even this didn’t stop her. She kept coming back and I eventually followed her outside my comfort zone and found something called horse feed. I had never had it before, but it sure was yummy and better than the scary things I thought were going to happen. I still get scared easily, but I’m learning to trust. I’m learning not all humans are bad. 

My mom tells me she loves me every time she sees me, I’m not really sure what this love thing is, as it is new to me. It’s some kind of magic though because it’s changing my whole world. I’m able to stop my stomach medicine because I don’t have as many scary thoughts. I’m even starting to work on learning how to help others in need of this thing my mom calls “love.” I hope you’ll be brave enough to trust again like me. They might even give you one of those apple treats!

Shalom is a 15-year-old Arabian mare adopted from Kentucky Equine Rescue Center by our founder in 2022. Working with her has helped teach us how to come alongside others stuck in the effects of trauma. She’s lovingly named Shalom and has become a symbol of hope and healing for our program.