“Trauma is the most overlooked pandemic facing our culture today.”

Trauma Healing Institute

Suffering. Trauma.

Some experiences in life are so painful, they cause deep and lasting suffering. That suffering is what we call “trauma”

Caring for the emotional needs of vulnerable individuals directly impacts our community and helps heal heart wounds that left untreated become obstacles to experiencing God’s love. 

A REFUGEE is by definition a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. Most refugees have endured a lifetime of war and loss before arriving in our city.

As many as 44 VETERANS die on average every day in the United States by taking their own lives.

Unresolved trauma has long-lasting effects on the mind, body, and way of life for anyone living with it.

Intuitive Nature at Work. Horses.

Because horses are keenly aware of their surroundings and circumstances, they live in the moment. They are intuitive and read body language. They provide immediate feedback. Horses have a unique ability to act as mirrors of human feelings and emotions.

For some reason, even when we feel stuck or hopeless, horses move and make changes in this space. This in turn helps participants become “unstuck.”

Horses are the “key” members of our therapy team and are present at each session. A licensed therapist and an equine specialist who has been certified in both Equine Assisted Learning and Equine Assisted Psychotherapy are also present at each session. Participants experience opportunities emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually to gain insight into themselves and others. It can also provide an opportunity to just “be” as participants only share what they are comfortable sharing. All activities are ground-based, therefore no horse experience is required.